January 30, 2015
Opening Reception: Vanessa German- The Ordinary Sacred 2015
Yesterday was the opening of Vanessa German's exhibition, The Ordinary Sacred. Through mixed media sculpture and works on paper, German has created a body of work that represents her experiences…
July 29, 2014
Downsizing: Selling Brown Furniture
One of the appraiser's newsletters we read recently posted a very timely article from the Wall Street Journal about downsizing and trying to sell second-hand furniture. We specialize in selling…
July 24, 2014
Modernist Pittsburgh: Featuring Abstract Paintings by Samuel Rosenberg
Our Modernist Pittsburgh exhibition, which features abstract paintings by Samuel Rosenberg, opened last Thursday with a fun and energetic crowd. Kurt Shaw wrote a great review of the show in last…
November 5, 2013
Preview of the November 16th Auction in the Trib!
The Trib has been giving us some great reviews and previews recently, and…
October 22, 2013
Preview of the October 26th Auction in today’s Trib!
John Altdorfer from the Tribune Review…
October 17, 2013
Preview the Estate Antiques and Fine Art Auction!
Our upcoming Estate Antiques and Fine Art auction on will be on…
September 26, 2013
Review of Callan/Lepper Show in Today’s Tribune-Review
Check out Kurt Shaw's lovely review of the Nancy Callan & Robert Lepper show--a reception will be held with artist Nancy Callan tonight from 6-8pm!
March 14, 2013
Preview of the upcoming auction in Auction Watch!
John Altdorfer previews our March 23rd sale in his Auction Watch column this week in the Trib. Check it out here, and come by the gallery to see the lots he mentions in person!
February 7, 2013
City Paper Reviews the Cooper Show!
Robert Raczka reviewed the Douglas Cooper show currently on view at the gallery in this week's City Paper--check it out here!
February 7, 2013
Douglas Cooper Show Reviewed in AIA Pittsburgh “Columns” Magazine
Becky Spevack wrote a lovely review about Doug Cooper's latest show at the gallery in the American Institute of Architects online magazine, "Columns." Check it out here!
January 24, 2013
Felix de la Concha’s Through the Looking Glass
Gallery artist Félix de la Concha speaks about his work “Panorama WBZ. Through the Looking-Glass”, the relationship between image and reality, and Lewis Carroll as a source of inspiration in this…
December 18, 2012
Auction Recap in Auction Watch
John Altdorfer highlighted our auction in the Trib's Auction Watch this week--Concept successfully sold an Isamu Noguchi sculpture for $100,000 hammer price in the December 8th Modern and…
December 7, 2012
Steeltown Anthem visits Concept!
Steeltown Anthem, a fantastic blog that highlights design, architecture, crafts, furniture, decor and interior design in and around Pittsburgh, just wrote about us! Check the post out here--and…
December 4, 2012
Auction Preview Starts Today!
The auction preview starts today at the gallery for our Modern and Contemporary Art & Design Auction. Check out some of the highlights in John Altdorfer's review in AuctionWatch!
November 6, 2012
Auction watch preview!
John Altdorfer previewed our upcoming November 17th Estate Antiques, Fine Art, and Jewelry Auction in his Auction Watch column in the Trib. Check it out here!
October 23, 2012
Auction Highlights in the Trib Today!
Auction Preview Has Officially Commenced! We're open for viewing 10-5:30 Tues and Wednesday, 10-8pm on Thursday, and 10-4 on Friday. Check out this article from John Altdorfer with highlights from…
October 3, 2012
Last week to see Curator’s Choice!
You've got just one more week to see the Curator's Choice exhibition, which Mary Thomas describes as "fanciful, thoroughly enjoyable" in today's PG!
September 22, 2012
Graham Shearing did it before Ed Ruscha…
In light of Graham Shearing's FABULOUS Cabinet of Curiosities in our "Curator's Choice" Show, check out this review in the Financial Times of Ed Ruscha's upcoming show at the Kunsthistorisches Museum…
September 18, 2012
Concept’s 40th Anniversary Show “Curator’s Choice” Reviewed in the Trib!
Kurt Shaw recently reviewed our "Curator's Choice" show in the Tribune Review. Check it out here!
September 18, 2012
8 Tips for Would-Be Art Investors
A recent interesting article in Forbes talks about tips for art investors--we especially like #8: Most importantly, if you want to build an art collection, you should think long term and only buy the…
September 5, 2012
Buying Art on the Internet…
Buyers must be careful when purchasing art on the internet--this NY Times article illustrates some of the pitfalls that can occur when a disreputable seller tries to pass off a fake for the real…
August 15, 2012
Surprise Bounty for Cleanup Artist
Just goes to show one person's trash is another person's treasure!
August 2, 2012
Rauschenberg’s “Canyon” in the Ileana Sonnabend Estate
We've been following the story of the Robert Rauschenberg combine-painting in the Ileana Sonnabend estate. As appraisers of art, we are fascinated by the intricacies of the IRS judgement of the…
July 25, 2012
Interesting article in the NYTimes…
There was an interesting article in the NYT recently discussing the Swiss Freeports, which serve as storage for some of the most valuable art in the world--check it out here.
April 14, 2012
Treesdale Manor article in the Post-Gazette today
Marylynne Pitz shares the history of Treesdale Manor in today's Post Gazette. Over 100 lots of property from the house will be featured in our auction one week from today!…
April 10, 2012
April 21st Auction in today’s Auction Watch!
Check out John Altdorfer's update about our upcoming auction here:
April 5, 2012
Multiple States Show Reviewed in Trib
Check out Kurt Shaw's fantastic review of our show Multiple States: Original Prints 2012 which is on view until April 22nd. Kurt highlights the fact that the show is the first in a series of…
March 13, 2012
Protecting Your Art Investment: Lighting
Our friend Chris Rauhoff recently wrote a great article about lighting artwork--check it out here:
March 6, 2012
An interesting article about collecting/estate planning…
The NY Times recently featured an article about estate planning which discusses the importance of planning ahead for your collections--read it here:…
December 16, 2011
Kurt Shaw Reviews Fallingwater en Perspectiva in the Trib
Kurt Shaw interviewed Felix de la Concha for the latest review of "Fallingwater en Perspectiva" in the Tribune-Review this week. Check it out here:…
December 8, 2011
Mary Thomas reviews Fallingwater en Perspectiva in the Post-Gazette
Mary Thomas wrote a lovely review of our current exhibition, Felix de la Concha's Fallingwater en Perspectiva in the Post-Gazette. Check it out here:…
November 29, 2011
Felix de la Concha’s Fallingwater en Perspectiva
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy recently released the following press release regarding our exhibition of Felix de la Concha's Fallingwater paintings. A portion of all sales will be donated to…
November 2, 2011
Concept Gallery featured on OnlyinPgh! is a really cool new website that acts as a resource for showcasing the unique places, sights and local flavor our city has to offer... and they've just added a page about Concept!…
October 21, 2011
Interesting article on appraisals in the NYT
Ann Carrns wrote a very interesting article about "The Specialized Art of the Appraisal" in the New York Times this week. It illustrates how important appraisals can be to collectors in terms of…
October 11, 2011
October 22nd auction featured in Auction Watch in the Trib!
John Altdorfer wrote a great overview of our sale in yesterday's Trib. Check it out here:
September 13, 2011
Brunozzi Estate Auction Featured in the Trib!
John Altdorfer reviewed our upcoming auction of the The Estate of Eugene Brunozzi in yesterday's Tribune-Review. Check it out here:…
September 6, 2011
Eugene Brunozzi Collection featured in Post-Gazette
Marylynne Pitz wrote a beautiful article about Eugene Brunozzi in the Post Gazette over the weekend. We will be featuring Gene's collection in our September 24th auction. Check out the article here!…
September 1, 2011
Concept Mentioned in the New York Times!
We were recently mentioned in the New York Times as part of an interesting article about a Modernist Collection chock-full of great art and mid-century modern design. Check it out here:…
August 5, 2011
Countdown to Auction Season!
We are busily preparing for our Fall season of THREE auctions--including a wonderful Single Owner Sale of the Estate of Eugene Brunozzi on September 24th. Chriss Swaney recently highlighted the…
May 10, 2011
Mod/Contemp Auction Watch!
The last auction of the Spring is just around the corner and features some fantastic Modern and Contemporary Art and Design. Check out John Altdorfer's Auction Watch column for a preview:…
April 12, 2011
Auction Watch!
Another auction chock-full of Estate Antiques and Fine Art is just around the corner! Check out John Altdorfer's Auction Watch column for a preview:…
March 31, 2011
Cooper Review in Post-Gazette!
We've had so much interest in Doug Cooper's latest show that we've decided to leave it up through April 10th...a few drawings have gone home with clients but most of the show is still intact--see it…
March 25, 2011
Auction Wrap Up!
Last weekend was the first of 6 auctions we have scheduled for 2011. We are pleased that things got off to a wonderful start--not one passed lot! The property in our March 19th sale came from The…
March 15, 2011
Emily Oliver Estate Auction in Auction Watch!
Check out the article from John Altdorfer here!
February 15, 2011
Doug Cooper’s Animation
For the past two years, in collaboration with Pittsburgh Filmmakers and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University, Doug Cooper has experimented with using his panoramic Pittsburgh landscapes as sites…
January 13, 2011
Review of DeFazio Show in the Trib
Click here to see Kurt Shaw's review of the Ray DeFazio show currently exhibited at the gallery!
January 8, 2011
Auction Announcement: The Estate of Emily Frew Oliver
Concept Art Gallery is delighted to offer The Estate of Emily F. Oliver at auction on Saturday, March 19th, 2011 beginning at 10 AM. The Emily F. Oliver collection includes Important American and…
December 17, 2010
Nice Article in Patch about the Ray DeFazio Show!
There is a nice article in Regent Square's newest online news source "Patch" about the DeFazio show--check it out here!
November 29, 2010
Raymond DeFazio: Paintings 1974-2010 Opens This Friday!
We are proud to present an exhibition of paintings by Raymond DeFazio, opening this Friday, December 3rd, from 5-8pm, and continuing through January 30th.
November 9, 2010
John Altdorfer Reviews Our Upcoming Sale in Today’s Trib
Check out the preview here:
October 13, 2010
Auction Watch 10/12/10
John Altdorfer features our upcoming auction in this week's Auction Watch, check it out here:
September 8, 2010
Mary Thomas Reviews the Clyde Hare Retrospective in Today’s Post-Gazette
Read Mary's review (and see a few gorgeous illustrations) here:
August 4, 2010
Archival Framing
Owning art puts you in the position of being the protector of the artwork, with a responsibility to future generations to preserve the art using conservation framing techniques to not only preserve…
July 31, 2010
Concept Art Gallery arranges Darthea Speyer single owner auction sale at Christies in Paris
I recently consulted to the family of Darthea Speyer, Parisian Art Dealer and collector on the disposition of her Gallery’s and personal art Collections. We selected Christie’s to host what became a…
July 29, 2010
Kurt Shaw Reviews our Clyde Hare Show in the Trib!
Check out this detailed review of our Clyde Hare Memorial Retrospective from Kurt Shaw in yesterday's Tribune Review!
June 8, 2010
Supporting the Arts…
Thanks to Lynn Zelevansky, director of the Carnegie Museum of Art, for her latest "Inside the Museum" newsletter (excerpted below), which points out that we ALL need to support our artists! Whenever…
May 13, 2010
Auction Review in Trib!
Check out John Altdorfer's review of our upcoming Auction in the Trib!
April 26, 2010
Jim White Article
There was a lovely article in the Trib today about Jim White. Read it here:
March 16, 2010
Auction Review in Trib
Check out this week's auction roundup in the Trib--John Altdorfer reviews our sale slated for this Saturday!
February 13, 2010
Artwork by Indian artist Mahaveer Swami for sale in James J. White Auction
James J. White was an avid collector of Indian art. He visited five times; over those visits he developed a profound love of Indian culture, including Indian art, music, and food. It was here that…
February 5, 2010
Post-Gazette Article on “Process: How Art Gets Made”
Our current exhibition, Process: How Art Gets Made, is featured in the Post-Gazette this month. The article takes a closer look at some of the exhibiting artists. To read the full article, visit…
January 26, 2010
Kurt Shaw’s Review of our “Process” Show in the Tribune Review
Check out Kurt Shaw's lovely review of our "Process" Show featuring the work of Charles Biddle, Douglas Cooper, Edward Eberle, Richard Marquis, Michael Morrill, Gordon Mortensen and Kevin O'Toole…
January 12, 2010
Review of the Jim White Collection on Urban Art & Antiques!
Check out this insightful review of the Jim White Collection Sale on Urban Art & Antiques:
October 8, 2009
Auction and Gorson featured in PG article!
Marylynne Pitz recently wrote about the Gorson painting in our auction (lot 136) in the Post-Gazette. Check out the article here:
September 30, 2009
Great review in the Trib of our upcoming auction!
John Altdorfer listed some of the highlights of our upcoming auction in his Auction Watch in the Trib this week...check it out here:…
September 22, 2009
Urban Art and Antiques Previews the October 10th Auction
The guys at Urban Art and Antiques just posted a great article on the history of some of the galleries here in Pittsburgh as well as a preview of our upcoming sale. Check it out here:…
August 11, 2009
Now Accepting Auction Consignments!
Concept Art Gallery is currently accepting pieces to include in our two auctions this fall. The first will be held in early October and will consist of fine art and antique furniture. The second will…
June 3, 2009
Review of Contemporary Auction Results in Antiques and the Arts Weekly
Will Demers wrote a lovely review of our Contemporary Sale in the Antiques and the Arts Weekly. Read the whole article here:…
May 29, 2009
Auction Preview in the Trib
John Altdorfer wrote a nice preview for our upcoming June 6th Estate Antiques and Art Auction in the Tribune-Review today...see the full article here:…
May 22, 2009
Auction Preview on Urban Art and Antiques
The guys at Urban Art and Antiques wrote a beautiful preview of our upcoming auction here: Be sure to check out their blog,…
May 14, 2009
Auction Crowd
We had a great turn out for our May 9th auction--here's a picture of the crowd!
April 28, 2009
Trib Auction Watch
John Altdorfer reviewed our upcoming auction in the Tribune-Review this morning. Go here to see the full article: One small…
April 22, 2009
Dave Crawly Spot
Dave Crawly's KD Country featured Syl Damianos and Ray Gindroz this week! View the spot here:
March 31, 2009
Ray Gindroz Drawings Featured in Post Gazette Article
"For the next several weeks, Concept Art Gallery in Regent Square is holding an exhibit of sculpture and bas-reliefs by architect Syl Damianos and a selection of my drawings of "Urban Rooms" in…
March 21, 2009
Concept Art Gallery…the 80s and 90s…from the Desk of Sam
1984 marked the gallery’s move to our current location in Regent Square. The range of activities we are involved in and pace accelerated from that point on. We purchased a 5000 square foot space, the…
March 10, 2009
Concept Mentioned in Trib’s Regent Square Tribute
The gallery got a nice mention in Rege Behe's article about a day full of Regent Square Activities--sounds like a perfect day to us! For the full article, see:…
February 17, 2009
Preservation Fair 2009
Please join Charles Biddle of Concept Art Gallery at Preservation Fair 2009: Saving Your Family Treasures, at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History on Saturday, 28 February 2009. Sponsored by the…
February 12, 2009
Concept Art Gallery…the 70s…from the desk of Sam
Concept Art Gallery began operations in the spring of 1972 as a vastly different gallery than we have become in 2009. The Gallery was founded by my parents, Mel and Carolyn Berkovitz, in Squirrel…
November 20, 2008
Pittsburgh: A Century of Photography Review
Kurt Shaw reviews Pittsburgh: A Century of Photography in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
October 28, 2008
Modern and Contemporary Art and Design Auction Review
John Altdorfer reviews our Modern and Contemporary Art and Design Auction in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
September 10, 2008
Fabrizio Gerbino: Beyond the Object Review
Mary Thomas reviews Fabrizio Gerbino: Beyond the Object in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read the article here.
August 8, 2008
March 15th Auction Review
Marylynne Pitz reviews the March 15th auction featuring Nakashima Furniture. Read the article here.
January 31, 2008
Douglas Cooper: Stairway to Heaven Review
Kurt Shaw reviews Douglas Cooper: Stairway to Heaven, Churches and City Steps of Pittsburgh in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
October 16, 2007
Modern and Contemporary Art Auction Review
John Altdorfer reviews the October 27th Modern and Contemporary Art Auction in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
September 18, 2007
Estate Antiques Auction Review
John Altdorfer reviews the September 29th Estate Antiques Auction in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
July 17, 2007
Glass 2007 Review
Mary Thomas reviews Glass 2007 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read the article here.
May 10, 2007
Ed Eberle: New Porcelain and Drawings Review
Kurt Shaw reviews Ed Eberle: New Porcelain and Drawings in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
October 17, 2006
2-day Fall Fine Art and Antiques Auction Review
John Altdorfer reviews the 2-day Fall Fine Art and Antiques Auction in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
August 10, 2006
Familiar Cities, Unfamiliar Landscapes Review
Kurt Shaw reviews Familiar Cities, Unfamiliar Landscapes: Pittsburgh PA & Oakland, CA in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
July 6, 2006
On These Hills, Above These Valleys: Drawings of Pittsburgh City Steps Review
Charles Rosenblum reviews On These Hills, Above These Valleys: Drawings of Pittsburgh City Steps in the Pittsburgh City Paper. Read the article here.
April 18, 2006
Penn on Braddock Review
Barry Hannegan reviews Penn on Braddock in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read the article here.
January 8, 2006
Pittsburgh: The Golden Age of Photography Review
Kurt Shaw reviews Pittsburgh: The Golden Age of Photography in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Read the article here.
October 23, 2005
Luke Swank: Modernist Photographer Review
Steve Mellon reviews Howard Bossen's catalog "Luke Swank: Modernist Photographer" in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Read the article here. "Luke Swank: Modernist Photographer" is available at the…